Тест на уровень подготовки

Измените форму слова в скобках, чтобы предложение звучало правильно.
Не используйте сокращения и не добавляйте знаки препинания.

  • Robert (be) from Moldova.
  • My friend (live) in London.
  • Where Tom ( work)?
  • I (not like) coffee.
  • Harry can (speak) English.
  • Look! Is it Peter? he (drink) juice?
  • (can) you swim when you were 5 years old?
  • Where you (be) yesterday? – I (be) at my favorite restaurant.
  • What you (eat) and (drink) at Vero’s party? I (eat) oysters and (drink) champaign.
  • What you (do) this weekend, Lance (plan)?
  • What you (do) at 5pm yesterday? I (have ) dinner with my wife.
  • Harry (drive) his father’s car when the accident happened.
  • Tokyo is (big) city I’ve ever lived in.
  • Moldova is (small) than Romania.
  • He is a careful driver. He drives (careful).
  • you like to be famous one day?
  • Don’t touch this pen! It’s (my).
  • My teacher Gabi is very patient. If I have a question, I always ask (she).
  • I don’t live here anymore, but as a child I (live) here.
  • I will see my friends tonight if I (have) time.
  • Ani will call you as soon as she (get) the email.
  • Don’t worry, he will wait for you until you (arrive) to the office.
  • If I (be) a bird, I (fly) to Casablanca.
  • (You be) to Australia, Ginny? Yes, two years ago.
  • Don't go to her in the evening tomorrow. If you (visit) her at 6pm, she (put) the child to sleep.
  • Could you tell me, please (where is the station)?
  • She likes (wear) expensive clothes.
  • She always goes shopping to Iasi. She (buy) clothes there since she was a teenager.
  • Do you mind (repeat) this, please?
  • You promised (stop) whenever we have questions!
  • He doesn’t smoke anymore, so he stopped (smoke).
  • When he was driving his wife called him, so, he stopped (buy) milk.
  • Before I got married we (date) for 4 years.
  • He called me after (see) my 10 missed calls.
  • I wish I (have) more money.
  • I wish I (travel) to Barcelona last year.
  • I wish my neighbour’s baby (not cry) day and night. It annoys me so much!
  • If I (be born) in other country, I (study) English in the kindergarden.
  • If I (be) you, I (not make) that mistake yesterday.
  • If I (not drink) cold water yesterday, I (not be) cold now.
  • Did you hear what happened to Kate? She (arrest).
  • I have no clue where he went after party. My wild guess is that he could (go) home.
  • I am almost sure where exactly I lost my keys, I ( leave) them on the drawer.
  • She should (not call) him at 3am yesterday! He was sleeping! Poor thing!
  • My jaw is killing me! I (tooth/fill in) today.
  • By the end of 2030 I (graduate) from University.
  • I suggest that he (go) there alone.
  • He told me he (will) be home in the evening.
  • Not only did he (realize) what was happening, but he also did everything not to repeat this mistake again.
  • The sportsman is believed (take part) in the Olympic games in 2022.